Lady Gaga released new cover artwork for her upcoming single, "Born This Way", on Tuesday, just days before the song drops. Lady Gaga, also known to her fans as Mother Monster, released a TwitPic of the "Born This Way" cover art (seen here) via her Twitter account. photo Lady Gaga Leaks 'Born This Way' Artwork on Twitter With one click, new media allowed Gaga to reach over eight million fans with her new cover, which features a close-up of the pop diva, lips parted, hair wild and looking fierce. Casey, a Tucson fan of Lady Gaga, said he was excited to check out the new sounds. "She does so many inventive things," Casey told us. "I read the 'Born This Way' lyrics already, and now I've seen the cover art. I cannot wait to hear the track itself! This slow leak is practically torture." Lady Gaga Single 'Born This Way' Coming Friday Feb. 11 Casey, and all of Lady Gaga's adoring Little Monsters, need only wait a few more days to hear their newest anthem. The single 'Born This Way' drops on Friday!..
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